Sadly, Kinsale was the worst day we've had weather-wise for the past week or so (and really it was only foggy), so these pictures aren't as nice as the others will be.
This is the first thing that we saw when we stepped off of the bus.
This is the harbor. If you walk down there you can rent bikes for just 7 Euro a day and ride them around so we're going to go back at some point and do that. Also there are forts and whatnot in that direction that we didn't get to see.
We went on a Tuesday and that is the day of their farmer's market. There were about 5 different cheese stands there. Everything looked delicious and was very tempting, but we all brought lunches so that we wouldn't waste all of our money.
This is the farmer's market again. This was at about 10 am so it's pretty empty, but around 2 it was packed.
Something I've noticed here is that they are very into color. Half of their buildings are crazy vibrant colors.
Three buildings up this street on the left is Desmond Castle and International Museum of Wine.
Even their doors are pretty colors.
The door on the right lets you into the castle and wine museum.
This is the old door on the front that is no longer in use.
Inside there are all kinds of these people in different scenes. My roommates and I took a ton of pictures with them, but I'm only putting up a few.
This is one of my flatmates, Toni. He was posing for pictures like this all day.
This was a map made out of corks. Each wine producing country was marked.
They had these books at all of the different landmarks that we signed.
We were walking down a street and there was just this sign hanging on the wall. It didn't even relate to the places on either side of it. Very strange.
This was in a garden across from one of the churches.
This is the inside of the Friary Church.
We found horses!
There are these cute houses all over in Ireland. Not so much in Cork, since it's a city and most people have apartments, but even here you can find them on the outskirts of town.
I accidently ripped off half of my fingernail so we were in search of a chemist (drug store) so that I could buy plasters (bandaids) and we came across this on our way.
This is in the cemetary at the St. Multose Church.
This is inside of the church.
After walking around all day we decided that we needed a little boost so we went into Jo's coffee shop and got some drinks. Toni and I found out that we both share a love of frappes.
While waiting for the bus we found one of those pay toilets on the street and Laura (blonde) and Jenna (brunette) have never seen one before so they split the cost (70 cents) to open it and see what it looks like inside.
Jenna definitely enjoyed herself.
From left to right: Aitor, Toni, me, Laura (Jenna is taking the picture). Aitor doesn't actually live with us (the rest of us are flatmates), but he's a friend of Toni's from back home in Barcelona and he lives a few apartments away on the same floor as us.
This is a cute dog that kept bringing us a stick to throw for him. He was so sweet and just loves how much attention we were giving him.
Our last view of Kinsale (for now).
The rest of these are just pictures taken out the window of the bus on the way home.
So, that's my Kinsale trip in pictures! I hope that you enjoyed it and next up is Cobh!
Nutter loved cows! thank you!
Beautiful pictures!o
You put up quite the itinerary! Good job.
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