Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ireland Preparations

So, I will be leaving pretty darn soon (about 1 day and 17 hours from now...yes, I do have a countdown) and I have been getting everything ready. I am somewhat, though not completely, packed and have successfully put most of my things in order. I received a not so subtle nudge to post a quick update before I leave on how my preparations are going from a certain relative...

Here are a few pictures to show you what I've been up to:

This is a journal that I made myself out of an old leather jacket I bought at a thrift store and some stationary my mom had. I'll be using this as my main journal/sketchbook while I'm in Ireland.

This is the blanket that I have been knitting since last Thanksgiving. Sadly I slacked off on it a lot this summer, so it wont be finished by the time I leave. My parents have agreed to send it to me along with the rest of the yarn for me to finish it while I'm there. I'm sure that it will come in handy having an extra blanket around.

And finally, here is the luggage that I'm bringing with me. None of these bags are currently fully packed, but eventually they will hold almost my whole life for the next year.

There's not too much else to update at this point. All I have been doing is trying to get together with each of my friends to say goodbye and trying to make it to a few of my favorite restaurants. Both of which have been very successful endeavors. If nothing else this post gave me a good excuse to learn how to post pictures on here. Expect plenty more in the next few days, especially over the weekend!

1 comment:

life in red shoes said...

Dear Tacy, I love the journal idea, I may have to borrow that one. The afghan is very pretty, you will need the warmth but I doubt that you will have much spare time! I will look forward to your posts and your pics, this may be the closest I ever come to The Emerald Isle. Much love and Godspeed, Bridgette